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Hi,What form of iodine is in Pregnancy and MultiVit?Kind regards Hi, we use Potassium Iodide in Pregnancy and currently use a Bladderwrack seaweed extract for the Iodine in MultiVit
I have ordered these prenatals from your brand on Amazon. Unfortunately, they have been sending me expired bottles. Do they truly expire or lose any potency/quality after the posted expiration date? Both the bottle I just finished and the new one I ordered expired 12/2023 and I’ve been taking them since January 1. Should I be concerned? Hi, we recommend returning the bottles to whichever Amazon reseller you obtained them from, as they shouldn't be sending expired bottles. The potency and quality of the product itself will be fine in this timescale (we test for 6-12 months beyond the stated shelf life), but Amazon reseller should not be sending out of date product out anyway.
What vitamins does this product contain? Is there vitamin A? Hi, the full ingredient list and nutritional information can be found on the product page. We do not include Vitamin A in this supplement.
Is it possible to take this with your Bone Care supplement, or would it require alternating days? Hi, we recommend alternating days for a combination of our Bone Care + Pregnancy formulas.
I am about to start IVF and I have been told to take folic acid in the lead up. I have bought your pregnancy care supplement, will this be sufficient for folic acid needs?I'm not entirely sure of the difference between that and folate, so just wanted to check. Hi, Folate is the active and optimum form of Folic Acid, so our Pregnancy Care supplement should be ideal for you. Very best of luck with the IVF.
’m having difficulty swallowing the multivit pregnancy tablet as they’re quite big and have rough surface so I ended up chewing it. Just want to ask if it’s ok to keep doing that or would there be any side effect? Hi, it is worth biting or snapping them in half, which will hopefully make them easier for you to take. Chewing them won't cause any issues.
Hi! I'm just wondering whether the Pregnancy Care vitamins are suitable for pre-conception? Thank you! Hi, yes absolutely. We've designed and balanced the formula to help support from conception planning right through to (and including) breast-feeding.
I just bought multivitamin pregnancy , omega3 ( dha) . I will may order vitamin D3 from Vegetology. Should I take that 3 during pregnancy . Also do you have any iron for pregnant women? Thanks for answer my question Hi, Pregnancy + Omega-3 formulas together give a ver good daily regime during pregnancy. There should be no need to take additional Vitamin D3, as both of these formulas already provide D3. Our Pregnancy formula contains Iron.
Can I take this supplement, omegas and the vollagen supplement? If not at the same time, how would you recommend taking them? Thank you Hi, yes it is fine to combine our Pregnancy Care, Omega-3 and Vollagen supplements together. It's a great combination!
Good evening, I would like to buy your supplements Vegan Pregnancy Vitamins and Tablets, but first I wanted to know if you carry out the disintegration test. Thank you. Hi, we carry out disintegration testing to understand how the tablet breaks down in the stomach. We carefully design our formulas to break down for optimal release, which in some cases means using components to either slow or sustain release.
Hi Vegetology Team! I have been advised to take a prenatal that includes "at least 800mcg of methylfolate". I find myself a bit confused converting units and understanding if this supplement would meet that requirement. Could you kindly please confirm if it would? Thank you! Hi, our Pregnancy formula contains 400mcg methylfolate. We are surprised you've been advised to take 800mcg. Is there a specific reason for this (please feel free to contact us directly via Facebook messenger or [email protected] to discuss)? That's an unusually high level.
Good afternoon, I recently purchased some of your pregnancy vitamins and I'm just wondering if you can tell me where the iodine in them is sourced from Thanks Sophie Hi, the Iodine is extracted from Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) seaweed.
How long is the storage life of these tablets please? I'd like to stock up and take advantage of the 30% discount, but 6+ bottles would be a years worth and don't want them to go out of date before they are used. Thank you. Hi, the shelf life is 24 months (if stored correctly in a cool, dry location they will actually be fine for 36 months). If ok, please send our team a quick email: [email protected] before purchasing bulk quantities and they can confirm the manufacturing date of the latest batch in stock so you can be aware of exact shelf life remaining.
Hi, I have one copy of a MTHFR C677T variant. I have read that you need to have an activated foliate for this condition. Is this product suitable? Thanks. Hi, we do use Folate (5-methyltetrahydrofolate), which is hopefully a suitable format for you, but please consult your Doctor to be certain it meets your individual requirements.
Hi, I am looking for a supplement to take before and during pregnancy while eating completely blant based. I followed the link to your product from the homepage On their homepage they recommend 25-50mcg of vitamine B12 per day, but I see that the "Pregnancy Care" supplement only consists 5mcg. On the other hand the "Multi Fit" contains 50mcg of B12, so that I would rather take that one for pregnancy to get enough B12. Is that correct? Regards, Julia Hi, we developed the Pregnancy Care formula following consultation with several major Nutritionists and Health Professionals. The consensus was to use 5mcg (200% of the European NRV for Vitamin B12) as a good ongoing daily amount from conception through to breastfeeding. While the formula balance is different, pur MultiVit formula is also suitable for use during pregnancy and is a good option if you are seeking a higher level of B12.
Does this have b12 in? Hi, yes it contains 5µg Vitamin B12
My doctor prescribed a NON vegan multivitamin supplement which also contain phosphorus. Phosphorus is not included in Pregnancy care. Why? Isn't it essential when pregnant or breastfeeding? Hi, deficiency in Phosphorous is very rare. When designing the product, we focused on the nutrients by deficiency risk and prioritised accordingly. A second major consideration (i.e. to answer why not add it anyway for completeness) is that a lot of Phosphorous is required as we just don't have the space in the tablet.
As when pregnant and breastfeeding we need to also integrate omega 3, if we take both your Omega 3 supplement and Pregnancy care together, wouldn't it be too much intake of Vitamin D? Hi, it is fine (and really beneficial) to combine our Omega-3 and Pregnancy formulas. The combined intake of Vitamin D3 is 600iu (15µg), which is a very good daily dose. Most Health Professionals agree that 400-1000iu per day is a good range for D3 intake. The present European NRV of 200iu (5µg) is incredibly low and really needs to be updated and increased!
Hello, Unfortunately I have problems swallowing the tablet. Is it OK to bite it into two halfs or to even smaller pieces? Hi, it is fine to snap or bite the tablet into smaller sizes.
Hi. Could you tell me why you chose to include chromium, manganese and molybdenum? I know that they are important nutrients during pregnancy, but I thought that your intake would be high enough without supplementing it and that too high amounts could be harmful? Thanks Hi, we included these micronutrients because they are essential during pregnancy and breast feeding. The levels are in-line with recommended amounts, which do take into account likely (and average) daily intake from our dietary sources too.
I normally use Multivit, now trying to conceive, should I change to this one or keep ordering Multivit? it seems to me most nutrient are very similar. Hi, MultiVit is very good for general support. The Pregnancy formula is recommended once Pregnancy is confirmed. Should conception be proving challenging, it is worth considering trying the Pregnancy formula in place of MultiVit, as the ratios of specific nutrients are designed to offer optimum support.
Can we just swallow the tablet or is it needed to bite it in order to benefit full efficiency ? Hi, yes you can swallow the tablet whole.
Does this contain folic acid or activated methylfolate? Hi, we use Folate (L-5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate).
I am Hindu Swaminarayan so I am purely vegetarian and due to religious rules, I cannot eat onion, garlic and asafoetida(indian spice name). So, I just wanted to confirm that does Pregnancy Care contains onion, garlic or asafoetida directly or indirectly? Indirectly means ingredients that are coming from those plants. Hi, yes we can confirm Pregnancy Care is suitable. It does not contain (directly or indirectly) any onion, garlic or asafoetida compounds.
Could you explain your reasoning for including iron in your supplement and why you have chosen the level that you have? If you could also quote any reliable sources or studies that have been used on this subject I would be most grateful! If you could also mention why you decided to only use 5mcg of B12, that would be very helpful. Most of the guidance seems to suggest 10mcg+ daily. Many thanks! Charlotte Hi Charlotte, we agonised about Iron in Pregnancy Care to be perfectly honest! We previously didn't include it, however, we found people just did not want the product unless it contained Iron. That included health professionals. Therefore we tested a formula using 14mg, as this is the European NRV for Iron. Our testing showed this level to be beneficial to those in need without being too high as to exacerbate issues (such as constipation) in those not in need. With B12 we went for 200% of the European NRV, so a slightly elevated level. Customer feedback told us that people wanted a 'maintenance' dose in this formula, as those known to be deficient were already taking other B12 products. It's always a challenge getting all dosing correct to meet everyone's needs and preferences
Why do you add ingredients as maltodextrin and sucrose? Hi, many of these things wrongly get bad press when they are inert and absolutely required. Maltodextrin for instance is solely used to form the tablet itself. Otherwise it would disintegrate. It is inert as a compound. Sucrose is used in the spray-drying preparation of the Vitamin D ingredient (the Vit D starts as an oil, so needs to be spray-dried to form a tablet). The level in the final product is absolutely tiny but we label everything. The other items such as Maize Starch, Arabic Gum are there to hold the tablets together. Without them we would just have powder. The levels are tiny. They are all safe and required. Sodium Ascorbate is Vitamin C. You will find other brands use similar compounds or don't label properly!
Why is Choline not included in Pregnancy Care? Hi, we consulted multiple nutritionists in the design of Pregnancy Care. Based on what was possible to fit into the tablet and consideration of the nutrients in order of importance for pregnancy and breast feeding, we didn't include Choline. For those seeking Choline, we did include it in MultiVit as a general Multivitamin and Mineral formula.
Just wondering if your pregnancy prenatal contains heavy metals such as lead? I’ve heard majority do and it’s hard to determine from the labels. Hi, we use the highest purity ingredients that are all individually tested to ensure full control over potential impurities such as heavy metals.
please can you advise if the folate in your pregnancy vitamin is methylated form? thanks Hi, yes we use L-5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate
You have Iron as well as Calcium added to the supplement, but as far as I know this two shouldn't be consumed at the same time as calcium inhibits Iron absorption. We purposely use Iron in the form of an Amino Acid Chelate in order to keep it away from Calcium (in the form of Carbonate) during absorption. This ensures they do not negatively interact with each other. Iron Amino Acid Chelate is very expensive, but makes such a difference in avoiding interaction with Calcium and other minerals.
I've read that you shouldn't take over 30mcg of Chromium a day during pregnancy. What is your reasoning for putting 40mcg in this supplement please? Hi, the European Nutrient Reference Value (NRV) for Chromium is 40mcg rather than 30mcg. This includes during pregnancy.
I was comparing this to the pregnancy multivitamin and wondered why the B12 in the pregnancy vitamin seems much lower? So I was looking to see what else was available and I noticed your Pregnancy Care is only 5mcg, vs your Multivit which is 50mcg? I was wondering why they are formulated differently. Hi, we worked with Nutritionists and established regional guidelines in the formulation of Pregnancy Care. The general consensus is to avoid elevated levels of nutrients, as Pregnancy formulas are primarily to provide balance and need to consider other dietary sources of key nutrients. Our advice is to take Pregnancy Care as the baseline multivitamin during Pregnancy, but seek advice from the Doctor you have low B12 in case it is working topping up with this specific nutrient in a higher dose.
Can I take this as well as folic acid tablets? Pregnancy Care does already contain 400mcg Folate, so we don't recommend adding additional Folate / Folic Acid on top unless specifically recommended by your Doctor
What form does the folate in Pregnancy Care come in? Hi, we use Methylfolate (5-MTHF)
Hi! I’ve read that the body cannot absorb more than roughly 3mcg of Vit B12 through active absorption and that if you only take it once per day doses should be way higher in order to achieve the recommended 5mcg for pregnant or breastfeeding people. Hi, we've included 5mcg into Pregnancy Care in order to give the body a little more than the 2.5mg recommended daily intake. The Pregnancy formula and tablet structure was designed following consultation with Midwives and several nutritional experts. In this particular formula it was important for the sake of other nutrients not to go overboard with the B vitamins. For individuals requiring additional Vitamin B12, we do offer the standalone sustained release B12 tablet, which offers a super-high dose and releases it over several hours. Our advice is to check your Vitamin B12 status and if you do need an additional boost, our B12 tablets offer a very good way of achieving this.
Con este suplemento se cubre la cantidad necesaria de B12 o es mejor complementarlo con las pastillas de B12? Me da la sensación que 5mcg diarios es poco, yo ahora tomo una e vuestras pastillas que lleva 1000mcg diarios. Estoy embarazada u me gustaría saber qué recomiendan. Hola, incluimos 5 mcg (200% del VRN europeo) de vitamina B12 en Pregnancy Care. Este es un buen nivel. A menos que su médico le indique lo contrario, no debería necesitar tomar B12 adicional. Hi, we include 5mcg (200% of the European NRV) Vitamin B12 in Pregnancy Care. This is a good level. Unless advised otherwise by your Doctor, you should not need to take additional B12.
I just want to check the breastfeeding multivitamins do NOT contain soya, nuts or wheat of any form? Hi, we can confirm Pregnancy Care doesn't contain soya, nuts or wheat of any form.
In what form you have your folic acid in these capsules? Is it bio-active? Hi, it is currently Folic Acid but we are moving to Folate in the new Pregnancy Care, which is launching in October 2020.
Hello, Can you please tell me if a 70-year-old woman (with moments of hypertension) can use this product? Thanks, Carmen Hi, we always recommend seeking advice from your Doctor as they can make recommendations based on your specific medical history. Pregnancy Care is a good multivitamin supplement (not just for Pregnancy), so as long as your Doctor doesn't have any issues with specific nutrients it contains, there is no reason it can't be beneficial for you.
Which bodies have approved your products? Hi, the main regulations we work to are European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) regulations, and we're audited accordingly. Auditing is conducted by local and international authorities.
How is this different from Multivit, which I have been using during previous pregnancies and breastfeeding. Hi, Pregnancy Care is designed specifically for use throughout Pregnancy and Breast feeding. There are some differences in the levels of nutrients, in-line with advice from Health Experts and guidelines from various organisations. MultiVit is more of a 'catch all' multivitamin and mineral. Both are suitable for use during Pregnancy, with Pregnancy Care being more targeted in terms of specific levels.
Pregnancy Care has an appealing combination of vitamins and minerals! I would be very interested in taking the supplement but I am neither pregnant nor a woman. Is there any reason why as a man I shouldn't be taking Pregnancy Care? Hi, its absolutely fine for men to take. It's funny you say that, because when we were designing it, we looked at the needs of Men's supplements and this would pretty much be the formula!
The need to supplement with Pregnancy Care when pregnant When you are pregnant, baby is totally reliant on you and your diet, as it is their only source of nourishment. Pregnancy Care has been specially developed to provide specific nutrients at carefully selected and balanced levels to support Mum during pregnancy.
When do I take? We have designed the formula to support from the moment you start trying to conceive, throughout pregnancy and during breast-feeding. Pregnancy Care is suitable for use for as long as is required and you can start to take Pregnancy Care at any stage of your pregnancy.
How many tablets do I take per day? Pregnancy Care is dosed at 1 tablet per day. Each bottle of Pregnancy Care contains 60 tablets, so will last for 60 days.
Is Pregnancy Care suitable for Vegans? Yes, as with all of our products, Pregnancy Care is suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians. We have carefully selected each nutrient to ensure they are suitable.
What is the best time in the day to take Pregnancy Care? 1 tablet per day should be taken with a meal, or immediately after a meal with a glass of water. The time of day is not important, but we recommend being consistent, so taking at the same time each day. As with all supplements, taking Pregnancy Care at meal times helps to maximise absorption of the nutrients.
Can Pregnancy Care be used alongside medicines? We always recommend consulting your Doctor when considering using supplements alongside medicines. Pregnancy Care only contains moderate levels of the stated nutrients, so will generally be considered ok to use alongside medicines. Please note that as Pregnancy Care contains Vitamin K2, it should not be used without consulting your Doctor if you are taking blood thinning medication.
Some of the nutrients in Pregnancy Care are above 100% of the recommended levels (NRV), why is that and is it safe? The Nutritional Reference Values (NRV - previously known as recommended daily amounts (RDA) are set to consider basic vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the general population. We have considered the levels of nutrients that are specific to normal requirements in pregnancy. As such, some of the nutrients (specifically Vitamin 12, Folic Acid and Vitamin D3) are twice the level of the European NRV. Importantly, vitamins and minerals have established upper safe levels and the levels we use are well within/below these guidelines.
Does Pregnancy Care contain Vitamin A? I’ve read I need to be careful with Vitamin A during pregnancy. No, we have not included Vitamin A in Pregnancy Care. There are concerns surrounding excess Vitamin A (Retinol) during pregnancy, and when considering average dietary intake, we decided to leave it out of the formula.
I’ve read that I should take 400mcg of Folic Acid per day for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Is it ok to continue taking Pregnancy Care after this time? Yes, it is safe to take 400mcg of Folic Acid per day throughout the whole time from trying to conceive through to breast-feeding. Folic Acid plays an important role in the process of cell division and growth, hence the advice during the critical phase of conception to 12th week, however Folic Acid is beneficial throughout.
Should I only take Pregnancy Care if I am a Vegan or Vegetarian? No, Pregnancy Care is designed for everyone, and this includes Vegans and Vegetarians. We have carefully selected the nutrients and avoided animal or dairy-origin ingredients to ensure Pregnancy Care is suitable for everyone.
Is it a problem if I forget to take Pregnancy Care for a day or 2? We recommend a consistent intake, but it isn't a problem if you forget to take Pregnancy Care. If that happens, just continue the following day as normal. Please do not double-up to try and account for any missed days. It is vital to never exceed the daily dose.
I have difficulty swallowing tablets. Will I be ok with Pregnancy Care? Pregnancy Care tablets are 2.3cm long but can easily be snapped in half if you need to. As general advice, it is always helpful to take tablets after chewing some food (fruit for example) and swallow together, followed by a gulp of water. The reason being, the throat opens up automatically a little wider to swallow the chewed food and the table should transit more easily. Some of our customers tell us they take tablets together with yoghurts or smoothies/shakes.
Can I take omega-3 together with Pregnancy Care? Yes, and it is an amazing combination! If we could have done, we would've included Omega-3 EPA & DHA in Pregnancy Care but the tablet would've been way too big. Omega-3 is very beneficial during pregnancy, so we do recommend considering using both together from trying to conceive, during pregnancy and throughout breast-feeding. That will result in a daily intake of 600iu Vitamin D3, which is 300% of the Nuritional Reference Value (NRV) however is well within/below the upper safe guidelines. Vitamin D3 is a very important nutrient during pregnancy. Due to the elevated level of Vitamin D3 in Omega-3 and Pregnancy Care when used together, we do not recommend taking an additional Vitamin D3 supplement as well unless specifically recommended by your Doctor.
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