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Wich dose is recommended for a 11 and 14 years old girls ?? Hi, we recommend considering our VitB12 100mcg Sublingual Tablets for teenagers (and tweenagers!).
Can you give dogs your B12 tablets? Hi, yes our B12 tablets are suitable for pets. The sublingual tablet will be easiest as it will break down quickly when your dog inevitably tries to chew it. The sustained release tablet is harder to attempt to chew.
Could you please be more specific as to 'Plant based Substrate' and the 'Fermentation' process - What plants and what substrate and what is used in the fermentation process.? Also I notice on the label of the Multi-Vits it states B12 but no mention of Cyanocobalamin - is this a different form of B12 you are using in the multi-vits ? If not, Why not state the name along with the other compounds? Hi, the substrate in the fermentation process for B12 is non-GMO Corn. The B12 in MultiVit is as Cyanocobalamin. This is referenced on the MultiVit page under the 'Supplement Nutritional Facts' section. There's only limited space on the actual label so we can't elaborate on all ingredient names as much as we would like. We use different forms of B12 in our products depending on the formulas.
I require vitamin B12 injections every 3 months, I am vegan but my brother also has the same problem and he is not vegan but has a healthy diet . The Dr says it must be a family issue. I have been told it is a waste of time taking any B12 supplements as my body won’t store it, does that sound correct ? I also have osteoporosis, arthritis and my mother has vascular dementia. I am looking for help as to which vitamins and supplements you may recommend to help me address some of these issues without doubling up or missing out on anything vital. I know it sounds like a bit of a train wreck but I need to act now to stop it getting worse. I am vegan, active ( not what you would call fit though . Many thanks. Glenda. Hi, Vitamin B12 deficiency is a widespread issue and it is correct the body isn't very good at storing it, as it is a water-based vitamin. Our sustained release tablet is worth trying being it is very high dose and designed to breakdown slowly over 4-6 hours. That way the body has access to a lot of B12 over a prolonged period of time and will grab what it needs. For your other question, our Bone Care formula is well worth trying. We get excellent feedback about it and the formula is really well balanced to support Bones, Joints, and muscles. We hope this helps.
I have read that tablets have more filler and so it's better to go with capsules. Could you explain the reasoning behind them being tablets please? Hi, Capsules are good for some formulas but in the case of Bone Care we can't squeeze everything into a capsule as it would be too big. We also have a break-bar on the tablet to make it easier to take for people who prefer to snap it in half, and that wouldn't be possible for a capsule in this case either. For our Sustained Release VitB12 formula, the tablet itself is critical to obtaining the desired rate of breakdown and absorption. To be honest the talk of 'fillers' in tablets is nonsense. Excipients are needed to hold the tablets together (instead of having a pile of powder) but these are always at the lowest possible level in our tablet formulas, and to the best of our knowledge the same for other brands too.
I was recently sent a clip of a guy saying Cyanocobalamin comes from raw sewage. I googled it and it confirmed sewage sludge. I'm concerned about taking B12 now because of this. Where is yours derived from? Thanks Hi, well that's a new one! Our B12 is produced using fermentation (plant substrate) and is of the highest purity. We are delighted to say it has absolutely nothing to do with sewage sludge. From a little research, it appears some very low grade B12 can be produced from waste water for use in animal feed.
Can you confirm that your B vitamins are naturally derived and fermented from food sources - as opposed to the pharmaceutical ones from the chemist? Hi, our B Vitamins are produced using fermentation (plant-source substrates).
Hi from Canada I recently ordered and received your B12. After listening to a few podcasts I looked to see what type of B12 is used and it turns out that it is Cyanocobalam. This was concerning to me as it was identified as being a NOT good form of B12. Is this the only B12 suitable for Vegans Thank you in advance Nicole Hi, Cyanocobalamin is an excellent form of B12. It has very good stability and also bioavailability. In our Sustained Release formula, this is the ideal form of B12. In our Sublingual tablet, we combine 3 different types of B12. All are suitable for vegans.
Hi, I am inquiring as to whether your Vit. B12 if free of alpha galactose 1,3-galactose? In fact I'd like to know what of your products are suitable for someone with Alpha Gal syndrome. Thank you! Hi, we don't use any ingredients that are risk items with alpha galactose 1,3-galactose. We don't use any animal-origin ingredients in our range. Alpha Gal is typically a risk item for animal and dairy origin ingredients.
How should I take the B12 pills ? What is the best way to absorbe the B12 of this pill? Do I need to swallow the pill or shew on it ? Thks in advance Hi, please swallow the tablet without chewing. It is designed to break down slowly for ongoing and effective absorption.
Has the product been certified by GMP? Hi, we don't sell Pharmaceuticals, so we are governed by Food law. Our products are all manufactured at British Retail Consortium (BRC) accredited facility and meet all of the strict requirements of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
Hi, Can you please tell me the exact source(s) of your vitamin B12? Which plant (or other source) does it come from? Thank you Hi, our Vitamin B12 is produced using fermentation.
Hi, My son is 3 so I need to start him with b12 supplements coz he’s drinking less soya much of tablet would suit him. Hi, it is worth obtaining advice from your Doctor or Health Practitioner to establish an ideal dose for your young son, as they can take into account individual status and medical history.
Hello! Wondering if your b12 contains any soy? Thank you! Hi, no it doesn't contain any soy
Hi, I am your loyal custumer and I always thought that your products are highest quality. However I was sad to learn that in b12 you use cheapest and syntetic cyanocobalamin instead of other forms which is organic and which is obsorbed much better. Do you have any plans in the future to replace the form of b12 that you use in your suplements? Thank you! -- Linkėjimai / Regards Audrius Sakalauskas Hi, we use Cyanocobalamin in the sustained release formula because it is the most stable form for this type of product. It offers excellent absorption too. We are launching a sublingual B12 formula soon that uses a combination of B12 forms. We always choose the best forms for the formula type and delivery systems.
How is your Vit B12 different from the 'activated' B12 that is available in the market. Hi, we use an active form of B12 (i.e. it can be absorbed and used immediately).
Hello. I see in a previous response to a question asked that you were considering a spray form of B12. May I please check whether this is something you are likely to proceed with? I ask because I have a toddler unable to swallow vitamins in pill form. Thanks. Hi, it's on our list of prospective products but at the moment we are concentrating on other areas. We will let everyone know if it is something we proceed with.
Hi, are these tablets chewable or can they be used sublingual? Scientific studies show B12 is up to 10X better absorbed when bound by saliva. Perhaps consider making a chewable or sublingual supplement (with a nice sugar-free flavour!) :) Hi, this product is a hard tablet designed to provide sustained release over time, instead of a single hit (as achieved through sublingual delivery).
What form your Omega 3 oil is in… natural triglyceride or ethyl ester. Also, is your B Complex in the methylated form (methyl folate & methylated B12)? Hi, we use Omega-3s in triglyceride form. The B12 is methyl folate (5-methyltetrahydrofolate).
Hi, I have a prescription to take 2000 mcg Vitamin B 12 once every 6 days. Is it a problem if I take 2 tablets of your B12 together (in one take)? There is a maximum daily dose for your supplements or can I adjust the dose with my personal requirements? Hi Mauro, if you have been prescribed 2000mcg of Vitamin B12, that is the same as taking 2 x tablets of our Vitamin B12 Sustained Release, so that would be fine. There isn't a maximum dose with B12 (surplus is harmlessly excreted) but we don't recommend exceeding the 2000mcg amount you have been recommended, unless your Doctor advises differently.
I'm vegan and I want to change my vitamin b12. with MultiVit would it be enough to cover the vegan deficiencies or do I need some other supplement? Hi, MultiVit does provide a good dose (50mcg) of Vitamin B12, which is sufficient for most people. Some vegans and vegetarians do require higher levels, so it is worth monitoring your B12 status to see if you do ultimately require more. For most people, we expect MultiVit to be enough
Is vitamin b 12 sustained released completely vegan. Ie. Doesn't come with coating or capsule? I am extremely allergic to mammal or deruvitive.. Thank you Hi, all of our products are 100% vegan. We don't coat the Vitamin B12. The sustained release is achieved through the specific Cellulose tablet structure.
I should be grateful if you could either send me and/or direct me concerning obtaining scientific information about the prolonged release formula of your vitamin B12 (1 mg tablet). Is there any information how the tablet behave in the body ( onset of absorption, peak level, duration of absorption etc)? Are these data compared with the behaviour ( pharmacokinetics) of immediate release tablets of the same dose? Sending any other relevant information would be very much appreciated Hi, our sustained release Vitamin B12 is achieved purely by the tablet construction. The rate of breakdown of the tablet upon ingestion is established and predicted by the formula we use. Being a supplement rather than drug/medicine, sadly we lack the huge budget required to plot peak levels etc. With Vitamin B12 being a water-based vitamin, sustained release prevents it from passing through the body too quickly.
Are the vitamins you use made synthetically or extracted from whole food sources? Hi, we use natural vitamins and minerals with the exception of Vitamin C, which is synthesised. The reason being, it is incredibly simple, clean and sustainable to produce Vitamin C synthetically. Sustainability being the key.
Are your b12 and omega 3 supplements safe to use during pregnancy? Hi, yes all of our products are safe for use during Pregnancy. The Vitamin B12 Sustained Release and Omega-3 supplements are fine for us during pregnancy. A combination of our Omega-3 supplement with Pregnancy Care (multivitamin and mineral formula specially designed for use in all stages of Pregnancy) is a perfect daily regime.
Your products - Vitamin B12 (Sustained Release) and Active Energy Complex have B12 1 mg (1000 mcg). I would like to know if the B12 absorption and sustained release factors are identical in both these products or is it better in the Vitamin B12 only product. Hi, Active Energy is in a capsule form, so does not have the sustained release approach of the Tablet. If you are severely deficient in Vitamin B12, the sustained release tablet is the best option. If you are seeking a good dose with a focus on Energy, Active Energy is a good option to try.
Are your products 3rd party tested for purity? In particular I’m interested in the men’s B12 supplement. Hi, yes we are based in UK and manufacture here to high quality standards. All products are regulated by EFSA and Foods Standards Agency requirements, which includes independent testing. Purity is everything to us!
Hi, I am looking for cyanocobalamin pills with minimum additional ingredients. I'm somewhat concerned about your insistence on swallowing the pill with water instead of chewing it. So what happens if I follow the advice of chewing? Will cyanocobalamin mix with saliva? Hi, we've purposely designed this B12 tablet to be sustained release (and therefore it needs to be swallowed). This is because we've used a very high dose of B12 and want it to be release over a period of 4-8 hours in order to prolong the body's exposure to it for maximum absorption.
Please use methylcobalamin in all your products that have b12. You will make me a big fan and a regular customer. Best, lila Hi, we use Cyanocobalamin because it offers superior stability. We are testing other B12 formulas at the moment using combinations of different forms.
Does breaking the tablet affect the sustained release? Hi, yes it does. The tablet structure is essential for the sustained release effect. It is pretty small and easy to swallow.
I've been using a well known branded spray of the methylcobalamin b12 and was wondering if you'd consider the methylcobalamin form of vitamin b12 instead of the cyanocobalamin. Hi, we chose Cyanocobalamin because it is reputed to have superior stability and there are some links (albeit limited) between Methylcobalamin and exacerbating skin breakouts. We are still researching B12 though, and working on new product versions. Spray forms are useful but require preservatives, as B12 is a water-soluble Vitamin, so we've been keen to avoid spray forms because we don't really want to use preservatives and have them follow the B12 into the bloodstream this way. We are hoping to have a new B12 product later in 2021 though, so watch this space....!
I noticed that the list of ingredients on the label on the Vitamin B12 bottle says: diglycerides of coconut fatty acid, cholecalciferol and D-alpha tocopherol, no indication of Cyanocobalamin. Is this correct? Cholecalciferol is Vitamin D indeed! Another question: why do you put magnesium stearate in the composition of vitamin D? Hi, I think you must have an old label that inadvertently contained an inaccurate ingredient listing. The B12 listing is: "Microcrystalline cellulose, Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose, Cyanocobalamin, Anticaking agent (Magnesium Stearate)"
Absent any impaired absorption, age-related or otherwise, with a high dose oral B12 supplement one would in general expect to absorb (up to) 1-2 micrograms via intrinsic factor plus about 1% via passive diffusion. Do you have any data one how much B12 is absorbed (per tablet) with your specific, time release formulation? Thank you. P.S.: For sustainability reasons, a greater than 60 tablets package size would be much appreciated- maybe also forgoing the plastic bottle completely. Hi, it is difficult to give absolute figures as there are so many factors involved, however we do know the sustained release tablet format makes the B12 available for absorption over a 4-8 period, which gives the body a very good chance to absorb the vast majority of it. B12 is highly water-soluble and so the body takes what it requires with the rest safety excreted. Our current bottles are a sugar cane compound that is 100% biodegradable within 10 years.
Isn't 1000 mcg of b12 required for a week ? I read a lot that if you take one 1000 a day, it's for a short period of time only (15 days to 2 months) if you have a deficiency. Hi, the body takes the B12 it requires and the rest is safety excreted. The reason we use a high dose in a sustained release tablet is to allow the body the best chance of getting the amount it requires. Once your B12 status normalises, it is correct that this level of B12 can be taken weekly rather than daily to maintain the status.
I've been reading about vitamine B12 supplementation for my mother. We are both vegans but apparently she needs a lot more vit B12. I've read a recommendation of 50μg per day for the average adult and 1000μg for seniors. I've also read that you can overdose on vit B12. I was looking at your active energy supplement and it says you can combine it with the extra B12 supplement but that would mean you take 2000μg per day, I was wondering why you say you can take it together as this seems like a lot of B12? Hi, it isn't the case that you can overdose on Vitamin B12. The body grabs what it needs and the rest passes safely through.
Que peso tiene 9 frascos de B12? Hi, each bottle of Vitamin B12 weighs approximately 30g
Which bodies have approved your products? Hi, the main regulations we work to are European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) regulations, and we're audited accordingly. Auditing is conducted by local and international authorities.
If I take the multivitamin and mineral - veg vit, would there be any benefit in also taking the B12 sustained release tablet? Our B12 sustained release tablet does offer a super strength, so it really depends if you are deficient in Vitamin B12 (and to what extent). There is a good level in VegVit already, so ordinarily I would say that is fine. Depending on your diet, it might be worth getting a B12 test done to see if you do need to take a higher level. From a safety perspective, there is no problem combining the two.
Does the vitamin B12 contain the same amount of B12 as the 'Active Energy Complex'? So there would be no need to take both? Hi, yes that's correct. If you're taking Active Energy Complex, there is no need to take additional B12.
Peut-on coupé le cp en deux pour le donner à un enfant de 2ans (1000mcg/sem selon recommandation)? Oui, vous pouvez couper le comprimé en deux pour cette dose requise.
Hi - Are you able to take your B12 under the tongue (ie. sublingual) until it dissolves? Or does it have to only be taken with a glass of water? Thank you. Please swallow the B12 tablet as the structure is designed to slowly release over time in the stomach environment. That is important to benefit from the sustained release design.
Can I ask where is this vitamin B12 extracted from? We use Cyanocobalamin as it is the most stable form of vitamin B12 for a good shelf life.
I am surprised to see you use synthetic cyanocobalamin instead of the natural form methylcobalamin. My health provider has specifically stated to avoid this type as it is not considered a healthy form of B12. The synthetic form requires the body to remove the toxic cyanide molecule before it can convert and utilise the B12. That said, my applied kinesiologist is able to test and see if my body needs a methylated or nonmethylated form or supplement at a given time. (Sometimes I have needed hydroxy- B vitamins, sometimes methlyated forms.) "Although the amount of cyanide is considered toxicologically insignificant, humans must remove and detoxify the cyanide molecule, reduce the cobalamin to its usable +1 oxidation state, and then enzymatically convert the cobalamin into one of two metabolically active coenzyme forms. Nutritional inadequacies, enzyme defects, and pathological changes to tissues can all contribute to a reduced ability of the body to accomplish the synthesis of the active forms of vitamin B12 from CN-Cbl (Cyanocobalamin).[1] Kelly, N.D., G. (1997). The Coenzyme Forms of Vitamin B12: Toward an Understanding of their Therapeutic Potential. Retrieved from The general view in the Nutrition industry is that Cyanocobalamin is the superior variant of B12 versus Methylcobalamin. We sought a lot of advice, including from the Vegan Society's scientific experts. The Cyanocobalamin we use is produced through a fermentation method. It is more stable than Methylcobalamin, and doesn't have some of the reported negative skin effects reported. The cyanide point needs perspective of levels. Many fruits and vegetables contain cyanide, which sounds horrific, but the levels are tiny and that is where we are. Our bodies are always ingesting small amounts of cyanide through our diets. If we (or food and nutritional regulators) had any concerns whatsoever, we wouldn't use it.
Would it be a problem to take this Vitamin B12 product along with your VegVit multivitamin supplement? Hi, it is fine from a safety-perspective to combine VegVit and our Vitamin B12 sustained release tablets
Why use such a high dose of Vitamin B12? The recommendations on doses of Vitamin B12 differ massively from person to person, based on a plethora of different considerations. Deficiency is a major issue across many demographics, not least Vegans and Vegetarians.As Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble Vitamin, the body takes what it needs, and the rest is excreted. Therefore a high dose is often recommended by Nutritionists and Health Practitioners so the body can recover from deficiency and benefit from as much B12 as it needs, with any surplus simply excreted.
Is “sustained release” the same as “timed release”? Yes. Some regions refer to "timed release", which is the same thing.
Why take Vitamin B12? Vitamin B12 plays vital roles in our body. It is important in the production of red blood cells and helps our body to convert food into energy. It is well known for its benefits to the nervous system, immune system and for fighting tiredness and fatigue.
Do Vegans and Vegetarians need to supplement with Vitamin B12? Yes, and particularly Vegans as it is not found in the Vegan diet nor in a typical Vegetarian diet.
How do you achieve sustained release? We have constructed the tablet to break down at a slow rate over time, which ensures a constant release of the Vitamin B12 rather than a big single hit. We make our tablets as simple as possible to avoid the use of fillers.
I read that B12 can cause outbreaks / spots on the skin. Is that true? There have been some links between B12 in the form of Methylcobalamin and spots, however we use B12 in the form of Cyanocobalamin and there are no such links.
Which form of B12 do you use? We use B12 in the form of Cyanocobalamin.
Can I chew the Vitamin B12 tablets? No, please don't chew the tablets. They are designed to offer sustained release, and chewing will immediately break down the tablet and damage the sustained release effectiveness. The tablets are relatively small and easy to swallow with a glass of water.
Why is sustained release important for B12? Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble Vitamin and the body takes what it needs with the rest excreted. This means that without a sustained release design, much of the high dose of Vitamin B12 can be lost if taken as a single 'hit'. Our special sustained release technology is highly beneficial for 2 reasons; firstly the B12 is released at a constant rate over 5-6 hours, ensuring longer-lasting benefits. Secondly, the sustained release prevents the body getting more than it needs in one single 'hit' and simply excreting (wasting) the majority of it.
How do I take Vegetology Vitamin B12 tablets? For best results, swallow 1 of our Vitamin B12 tablet with a glass of water. As with all supplements, please take it at a meal time. We recommend breakfast as the ideal time to take Vitamin B12, however it can be taken at any meal time during the day.
What is the source of your Vitamin B12 and is it Vegan suitable? Our Vitamin B12 is Vegan-suitable as it is produced using fermentation (think brewing beer, but less tasty!).
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